Read about me as I take on my third and final gap year being a youth work intern in a lovely village in Oxfordshire. Wanna know more? - I'm always up for a chat, and the way to my heart is to bring me cake. WARNING: I will probably attempt to be witty in these blogs and people don't always get how hilarious I am ;) P.S. I'm a lot obsessed with God...
Friday, 13 December 2013
“It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere I go” - well no actually. In some places, it's looked like Christmas since October; I'm just happy to embrace it now. I've been a bit of a Scrooge this year to be honest (I even bought a “Bah humbug” jumper) but I now feel that it's ok to get excited about Christmas! I'm sure Beth will be relieved as she's been going on about it FOR WEEKS. The first time I felt properly excited was on Tuesday at the staff meeting when Beth produced the most amazing Christmas tree made of biscuits and icing I've ever seen. Somehow, the tree disappeared pretty quickly during the morning and weirdly, Beth and I felt sick all afternoon...
I'm sad that I don't get to do my year 7 cell group until January now. I will miss them all brightening up my Wednesday afternoons! I planned a Nativity treasure hunt for Wednesday which sent us all over Eynsham looking for clues. They found the treasure in the church and we had some fun unwrapping chocolates and sweets – Harry even got a harmonica (Santa was feeling generous!) It's been great to spend some time with them over the past two weeks looking at the story of Christmas. I think it's important that we're all reminded what this time of year is really about – and this year I feel like I've learnt loads more about it that I didn't know before. Like I never knew that the Bible doesn't actually say “wise men” or mention how many there actually are. They're referred to as Magi, and the only reason we say there were 3 is because of the number of presents Jesus got. We watched a 4 minute video during cell last week showing scenes from “The Nativity” which was on TV a few years ago and tells the story of Jesus' birth (not the film about the primary school who put on a Christmas play – although that film is hilarious especially watching it with Kate Feast who likes to sing along) which I think is a brilliant reminder :)
It's the last Pathfinders this evening and we have lots of fun Christmas things planned. I'm particularly looking forward to dressing up as an angel and playing pass the parcel (such a child), and then making mincemeat toasties with the older group... not sure that they will taste that nice, but we'll see ;)
We then have the cell Christmas celebration next Thursday which I'm really looking forward to – and then that's it! Until January 2nd, I am freeeeeee!! I think I know already what I'll be doing... attempting to go last-minute Christmas shopping, writing assignments, seeing friends who are back from uni (YAAAY!) and probably eating far too much.
I'll be remembering what it's all about though, and praying for CAR at this time. If you haven't been watching the news, last night there was a section on Channel 4 news about CAR and if you go onto 4od, it should be on there under “Channel 4 news”. It's strange to think that this time last year, I was there and makes it all the more real. I'd love it if you could keep CAR in your prayers.
That's all for now. I was just about to sign off with “I'm going to get a hot chocolate” but that's exactly how I signed off my last blog... so, I'm going to do something mega healthy, like jog around Eynsham. Pahaha ;)
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Advent (already?!)
Another 10 days has flown by! I'm still reeling from the fact it's December – how is it this close to being 2014?! I've got 5 advent calendars this year, which definitely makes up for not really having one last year! (I'm not that greedy - I share 3 of them, but no way am I sharing my Percy Pig one!!!) Also, it was a bit scary yesterday when I realised at college that I won't be seeing 4 of the people on my course until the new term, and as they left, we said “see you next year!" 2013 has absolutely flown by, yet it feels like it's been one of the busiest, craziest, up, down, memorable years of my life. Still, there's December to go yet and there's a lot happening.
I feel like I live on the bus at the moment. That saying “time flies when you're having fun” is very true. When I'm actually doing something or with other people, the day has gone before I know it. But on the bus, I'm pretty sure time stands still... I've decided to make a real effort to talk to people while I'm on the bus. Yep, I'm gonna be that annoying person who gets all in your personal space and asks you how your day's been. How very un-British of me ;)
The weather is getting colder and colder. I miss CAR weather more than ever right now. I think if I decide to live abroad when I'm older, I will live somewhere hot! There's only so many extra jumpers I can put on before I look like the Michelin man.
There is lots to do in the office and within the youth work at the moment. In fact, it feels like everyone is really busy; preparing for Christmas or just generally at work. This will be the first Christmas Eve for 3 years when I haven't been either at work or extremely stressed, so I hope it's gonna be a good one :) I better stop waffling now as there's lots to do that won't plan/tidy/annoy Olly itself. Plus I walked back into the office half an hour ago and it smelt like hot chocolate, so I now really want one...
Friday, 22 November 2013
Disney, CPR and the rest of my week
This week has been busy but fun. Last Friday night, I was dressed as a cross between the girl from Tangled, an Incredible, someone from High School Musical and a princess. If you haven't worked it out already, it was Disney night at Pathfinders. The best bit was probably watching the transformation from ordinary teenage boys to Disney princesses that happened during one of the games. That, and singing along to Disney songs all evening.
I then went on a first aid course on Saturday, where I learnt lots. I think there's a new test to see if you're an optimist or pessimist – you can do chest compressions to the beat of “Staying Alive” or “Another One Bites the Dust” - I think it says a lot about the first aider which one they choose...
On Sunday, I did a talk in my home church about my time abroad. It was hard, but I'm glad I did it. I realised just how awesome my little sister is when I got choked up at the very end and she came up, gave me a hug and then carried on reading from where I got up to. (Also it's really funny if you watch it back on the recording because she's too short to be seen over the lectern so just sounds like a voice!) However, the highlight of Sunday was definitely welcoming back Paul from his 3 week trip to CAR :)
I've been out and about the rest of the week. Again, I have that feeling like I haven't actually been at home that much. Only to sleep and occasionally eat - oh and watch The Big Bang Theory of course!
I have another really busy week coming up so I'm hoping that things go to plan, I run on time (like that's going to happen) and I can have as much fun as I've had up until now. I've managed to catch up on assignments and my uni application seems to be coming on ok. Plus I had time to Skype my friend in Spain and I went to the second week of an Alpha course, so I definitely can't complain that my life is boring.
If you're reading this and haven't watched the documentary this week on a midwife working in CAR, I would definitely recommend it. You can watch it on 4OD and it's one of the episodes of “Unreported World” called “The Jungle Midwife” - the lady in it is incredible!
Friday, 15 November 2013
Long time, no see...
It's been a while since I wrote a blog. In fact, it's 27 days, 10½ hours of college, a pub quiz, one sticky chocolate pudding (another one of my classic kitchen fails), one goodbye (not forever), 3 watches of Love Actually, and a gazillion cups of tea since I wrote a blog.
During half term, Olly jetted off to somewhere nice and hot while Beth and I stuck around in cold England. To be fair, he hasn't properly rubbed that in yet (only a matter of time!!!). I did a couple of days working for an organisation who run days out and holidays for young people with special needs. It was so much fun! And has given me one of those reality checks that I think I need every now and again. The young people are so great and although I was exhausted afterwards, I'm glad I did those two days. I have bucket loads of admiration for people who do it everyday!
Everything has been ticking along as usual but I have so much to do. Alongside all the youthy interny stuff, I am also trying to write a personal statement, keep on top of college assignments and squeeze in some kind of social life outside of work, haha. I didn't feel particularly rested after the half term but I had a lovely time in Wales on a long weekend, last weekend with two of my bestest friends. Time flew by but I have loads more funny memories including going for a walk in ugg boots and falling over in the mud twice! I have since dug out my wellies from the back of the shed and learnt my lesson about sensible footwear :D
I'm praying that this week I can get back on top of work. I haven't looked at my university application in 2 weeks and my to do list seems to be getting longer and longer, yet I still feel encouraged that God has me in the right place and he'll never give me more than I can handle. Just gotta keep trusting (and remembering to write blog updates)...
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Learning not to play jelly bean roulette the hard way:
Another two weeks have flown by and I’m still enjoying every moment. The “honeymoon phase” may be over but I don’t feel worse because of that - I love that I now know where everything is that I need and understand more about what I’m supposed to be doing!
I enjoyed the teaching on Monday and it was a chance to start getting to know the others doing the same course as us. They all seemed friendly and just from talking to them once, I think I’m going to get along with them all. During lunch time, I was asked the question that has no simple answer - “so, what have you done since school?”. I’m not really sure how to condense down; worked in a chocolate shop where I ate far too many free samples, volunteered at my old primary school where I got totally freaked out eating my sandwiches in the same room as some of my old teachers, went to Africa to tutor two children who ended up being my favourite people in the world, held a gorilla, got evacuated twice… you know, the average ;) but I do enjoy telling people really, especially because normally it’s the first time anyone has ever heard of Central African Republic and are horrified when I tell them about what’s happening out there (not that I blame them - until 18 months ago, I hadn’t heard of CAR). I think it's really important that people know what's going on elsewhere, and maybe it'll prompt people to do something - pray, give money, just something.
Friday, 4 October 2013
1 blue onesie + too many bakewell tarts + a big realisation = happy third week
I cannot believe how time is flying past. I've just finished my third week as an intern, but it doesn't feel that long (I guess that's a good thing really, and I've not just come on here to moan about how much I hate my job).
Nothing is ever straight forward and the last few months especially have felt like every day is either an up or a down, with the possibility to change in a split second – but this week has been full of ups. Even when things haven't quite gone to plan or I'm running late or I'm struck down by the WORST COLD EVER (and it can't even be blamed on man flu), somehow I've felt happy.
Oh, except the morning when I heard that two stories featured on the news were that Ed Milliband's dad (who died 20 years ago) hated Britain, and (prepare yourself for this one, it's a shocker) ......David Cameron uses a bread maker. NO WAY. So, obviously, I vented my frustration all over Twitter, but was still left feeling #angry whenever anyone mentioned bread. It did cause a lady, waiting at the bus stop at the same time as I was waiting with my friend, to smirk rather a lot as I gave one of those speeches (which you secretly wish someone was filming so you could watch it back and be amazed at how passionate you can actually get over something) about how twisted the world is. I initially got annoyed later on when I told this story and got called “a typical youth” - what was actually said was “atypical youth” :)
Anyway, that massive rant aside, I've been happy. A few things have happened in the past couple of weeks that have smacked me in the face telling me how unpredictable life is and you should never take anyone for granted (a lesson I thought I had learnt already) so I've been making an effort to be positive whether that's at home or work. No joke, I actually helped an old lady cross the road on Wednesday because something reminded me that I only have this one life to do all the good things that God wants me to do.
So that's the attitude I want to carry for the rest of this year. And if everything goes belly up I will remember that “...God intended it all for good...” (Genesis 50:20)
Bring on another week of playing miniature tanks, eating far too many of Beth's cakes, being inspired, and spending time with these amazing young people. And hopefully no more talk about the PM using kitchen appliances.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
First fortnight as an intern... AHHHH!
There's not many jobs where you can melt chocolate into nappies, wear a blue onesie to church, or be carried across an assembly hall by some year sixes whilst having water tipped into your lap - but I am blessed to say I have one of those jobs. I am pretty tired after two weeks of madness (I mean, my boss IS Olly Shaw) but I have enjoyed every day.
The best thing this fortnight has definitely been spending time with da youf. Whether that's the year 7 boys in my cell group or the lovely year 10s who bundled on me at last week's Pathfinders, every single one of them is amazing and I am well excited to get to know them better over the coming year.
My big worry for this year is that it will all go wrong again. I say again, because this is my third gap year, and let's just say the previous two haven't gone quite to plan... I wouldn't be the person I am today without these two last years, but I would love it if for once, my plan went the way I expect. But then again, it's not my plan that's important, is it? As a very lovely lady from church pointed out to me, these aren't “pear-shaped” years, they are “God-shaped”. I love that.
So a word of wisdom this week (not that you've asked for it, nor can I pretend that I am all that wise) would be: stop fussing over whether everything is going how you want it to. Work hard, pray lots, and get obsessed with God. He's the best obsession I've ever had. “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30) was one of the verses we looked at in this weeks cell group. It makes so much sense to me, because following God isn't something that requires nothing, but what it does require is simple really. It isn't that I won't be burdened, but I will be burdened with something new, something that God knows I can handle and something that lets me let go of the old burdens. Yippee.
I hope this week holds as much fun, worship and time with the wonderful young people as last week. Most of all I hope this week keeps my eyes focused on God.
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