Saturday 19 October 2013

Learning not to play jelly bean roulette the hard way:

Another two weeks have flown by and I’m still enjoying every moment. The “honeymoon phase” may be over but I don’t feel worse because of that - I love that I now know where everything is that I need and understand more about what I’m supposed to be doing! 

The winter is setting in, which is making me a bit grumpy. This time last year I was in sunny Africa, wearing shorts and sipping Djino coke (cheap version of Coca-cola). Now I find myself wearing a man’s wooly jumper that I found in a charity shop and gulping hot chocolate. So cold. I’ve even had to resort to blow-drying my hair before I leave the house each morning to stop my head from freezing - something I rarely do! But who am I to complain really? At least I have a hot shower, food and a home to go to. Plus I do love some of the treasures that winter brings with it; open fires, Christmas, snow, being allowed to drink Ovaltine without being considered an old woman, name a few. 

Beth and I did our first proper day at college on Monday, which I was a little bit nervous about. I realised I haven't got the right bus pass to get on one of my buses (typical me), but I think I’ve managed to suss it out now. We shall see on Monday when I’ll either get lost somewhere in Cowley or make it to college… 
I enjoyed the teaching on Monday and it was a chance to start getting to know the others doing the same course as us. They all seemed friendly and just from talking to them once, I think I’m going to get along with them all. During lunch time, I was asked the question that has no simple answer - “so, what have you done since school?”. I’m not really sure how to condense down; worked in a chocolate shop where I ate far too many free samples, volunteered at my old primary school where I got totally freaked out eating my sandwiches in the same room as some of my old teachers, went to Africa to tutor two children who ended up being my favourite people in the world, held a gorilla, got evacuated twice… you know, the average ;) but I do enjoy telling people really, especially because normally it’s the first time anyone has ever heard of Central African Republic and are horrified when I tell them about what’s happening out there (not that I blame them - until 18 months ago, I hadn’t heard of CAR). I think it's really important that people know what's going on elsewhere, and maybe it'll prompt people to do something - pray, give money, just something

All in all, it’s been a good fortnight. I’ve had homemade brioche (made by my new favorite baker, Beth), watched School of Rock videos with my “boss” (pahaha, we do do work really, I promise!), cried with laughter so many times :) and I’ve even tried my first vomit flavoured jelly bean - seriously, the most disgusting thing I've EVER eaten. If anyone ever offers to play bean roulette with you, just smile and politely decline - I CAN STILL TASTE IT NOW!!!

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